Sunday, August 21, 2016

Are You Ready to Work at the Barn?(Quiz)

With so many of our seasoned workers running off to college, our barn has been looking for workers to take the open shifts.   This decision should not be taken lightly, so I made a handy test that will let you know if you have what it takes to work at the barn.  

Here's how this works:  For every "yes" you answer, you get two points.   For every "no", you receive one point.  Add them up at the end and see how you do!

  1. Can you tack up a horse without assistance?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  2. Are you willing to work really, really hard?  Even when it is raining and you have to swim through the outdoor arena to feed the ponies?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  3. Are you willing to take demands from instructors, clients, and diva-mare horses?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  4. Have you made peace with the fact that you will always be covered in mud, hay, etc.  and that sometimes even after you shower, you will find hay in your hair---especially when you are out in public places?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  5. Do you know where to locate the leftover cookies, popsicles, and three year old (but still good) camp candy?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  6. Do you know of at least three hiding spots in the barn in case you want to avoid doing any kind of work?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  7. Can you name at least three "no no pet" horses?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  8. Are you willing to eat candy corn and Gatorade for dinner because you are too tired to fix (or pick up) food after working?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  9. Have you prepared your mind and  body for a permanent state of exhaustion?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
  10. Are you willing to answer questions from children that include but are not limited to: Is it full grown? where's it's mom? Is it pregnant? is it a boy or a girl?
    • (2 points) YES
    • (1 point) NO
Now, calculate your results!   
20 points: WOW!  You are SO ready to work at the barn.  In fact, go on and put your work boots on and get to the barn right now.   
17-19 points:   You might not realize exactly what you are getting yourself into, and you might need a little help along the way, but you can be whipped into shape in no time.  
15-16 points:  You've got a long way to go, but I have faith in you.   Even though you have no idea what you're getting yourself into, I think if you brush up on your list of hiding spaces and no no pet horses you will be good to go.    
Less than 15 points:  No.   Just don't.  You are better off trying to help with the mechanical horse at Wal-mart than the real ones at the barn.... here's a quarter.